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Real name: Julie Frances Christie. Biography of Julie Christie & facts.


Julie Frances Christie aka Julie biography

Name: Julie
Surname: Christie
Julie Christie birth name: Julie Frances Christie
Julie Christie birthday:
Nickname: Jules
Julie Christie home town: Chabua, Assam, India.
Julie Christie assets:
Julie Christie vices:
Julie Christie height: 158 cm
Julie Christie job: Actress.
Julie Christie hobbies
Julie Christie ethnicityWhite
Julie Christie breast size36
Julie Christie waist size23
Julie Christie hips size36
Julie Christie mottoI cannot even talk about waste without being indignant. My introduction to Hollywood was a society that used it, sniffed it and threw it away. We've become a bit like that ourselves in the past 30 years. There's an attitude among the successful people of spend and spend, flaunt and flaunt, and don't think of anyone else.

Julie Christie Who was Julie Frances Christie aka Julie Christie life in Who is / biography C .