What is chen julie definition
Real name: Julie Suzanne Chen. Biography of Julie Chen & facts: Julie Chen the American television.


Julie Suzanne Chen aka Julie biography

Name: Julie
Surname: Chen
Julie Chen birth name: Julie Suzanne Chen
Julie Chen birthday: 1970-01-06
Nickname: Chenbot
Julie Chen home town: Queens, NY.
Julie Chen assets: Married to the President and CEO of CBS.
Julie Chen vices: Big hands
Julie Chen height: 155 cm
Julie Chen job: TV presenter.
Julie Chen hobbies
Julie Chen ethnicityAsian
Julie Chen breast size30
Julie Chen waist size23
Julie Chen hips size33
Julie Chen mottoDon't call me Connie Chung!
Real biography: Julie Chen the American television personality, news anchor, journalist, and producer for CBS not only acts smart on television, she is smart, marrying the President of CBS Television ensuring that she will always have work while they are married and will be able to get work after they are divorced by blackmailing him.

Life Story

Chen's mother grew up in Rangoon, Burma and her father was born in China and it is no accident that Crab Rangoon is her favorite food. They eventually moved to Queens, NY where Chen was bornChen attended the University of Southern California and graduated in 1991 with a major in broadcast journalism and English, and a minor in courting Network Executives. One of her earlier jobs came in June of 1989, at CBS (interesting) Morning News--the series which she would anchor a decade later. From 1999 to 2002, Chen was the anchor of both early-morning shows, CBS Morning News & The Early Show, alongside Bryant Gumbel and Jane Clayson. Since 2002, she has been a co-host for The Early Show on CBS. Before CBS News she was a reporter and weekend anchor at WCBS-TV in New York City.Since 2000, she has also been the host of the American version of Big Brother, which just happens to also be on CBS. During the first season, Chen was widely criticized in the media for her heavily scripted, wooden delivery in her interaction with the studio audience and in the interviews on the live programs, earning her the nickname "Chenbot" among the internet and many fans. But she has kept her job, probably because she is the President's Wife.

. Since 2002, she has been a co-host for The Early Show on CBS. Before CBS News she was a reporter and weekend anchor at WCBS-TV in New York City.Since 2000, she has also been the host of the American version of Big Brother, which just happens to also be on CBS. During the first season, Chen was widely criticized in the media for her heavily scripted, wooden delivery in her interaction with the studio audience and in the interviews on the live programs, earning her the nickname "Chenbot" among the internet and many fans. But she has kept her job, probably because she is the President's Wife.

Julie Chen Who was Julie Suzanne Chen aka Julie Chen life in Who is / biography C .