What is reyes judy definition
Real name: Judy Reyes. Biography of Judy Reyes & facts: She plays tough talking nurse Carla.


Judy Reyes aka Judy biography

Name: Judy
Surname: Reyes
Judy Reyes birth name: Judy Reyes
Judy Reyes birthday: 1968-11-05
Nickname: Hey Jude
Judy Reyes home town: The Bronx.
Judy Reyes assets: Sexy attitude, hot face.
Judy Reyes vices: Spanish accents,Drama
Judy Reyes height: 171 cm
Judy Reyes job: Actress.
Judy Reyes hobbiesActing, Writing.
Judy Reyes ethnicity
Judy Reyes breast size30
Judy Reyes waist size23
Judy Reyes hips size33
Judy Reyes mottoI really admire Carla, shes smart and sassy and a very good nurse, I like that she remains confident and unapologetic in the world.
Real biography: She plays tough talking nurse Carla Espinosa on NBC's hit sitcom Scrubs, but there is more to this beautiful Latina actress.

Life Story

Reyes was born in the Bronx in 1968 to a Dominican immigrant father who was the superintendent of an apartment building. She didn't pursue acting until 1992 while she was attending Hunter College in Manhattan. That same year she landed her first role in the movie Jack and His Friends which co-starred Sam Rockwell. After this first foray into film, Reyes stuck to the stage for a while and even founded her own theatre company called The Labrynth Theatre Company.

By the late 90's Reyes was back on TV, making notable guest appearances on The Sopranos (as Paulie's love interest) and Oz, both HBO hit shows. In 2001 Reyes struck gold with her role on Scrubs which has been on for six seasons. In between her TV gigs, Reyes managed to land a role in the Martin Scorcese move Bringing Out the Dead which co-starred Nicolas Cage Reyes also co-produced and acted in a short film called Taino which she did with her husband, writer/director Edwin Figeuroa.

Reyes lives in New York with her husband. She is still active in The Labrynth Theatre company, and also produces various independent films. She is slated to be in an upcoming movie called The Poker Club where she plays a detective investigating a death at a weekly poker game.

Judy Reyes Who was Judy Reyes aka Judy Reyes life in Who is / biography R .