What is lavoie jennifer definition
Real name: Jennifer Lavoie. Biography of Jennifer Lavoie & facts: Jennifer Lavoie is best known as.


Jennifer Lavoie aka Jennifer biography

Name: Jennifer
Surname: Lavoie
Jennifer Lavoie birth name: Jennifer Lavoie
Jennifer Lavoie birthday: 1971-02-25
Nickname: Jenny
Jennifer Lavoie home town: Nashua, NH.
Jennifer Lavoie assets: Playboy quality body.
Jennifer Lavoie vices:
Jennifer Lavoie height: 158 cm
Jennifer Lavoie job: Model, Business owner.
Jennifer Lavoie hobbiesRunning.
Jennifer Lavoie ethnicityWhite
Jennifer Lavoie breast size32
Jennifer Lavoie waist size22
Jennifer Lavoie hips size32
Jennifer Lavoie motto
Real biography: Jennifer Lavoie is best known as Playboy magazine's Miss August 1993. In 1994 Jenny also appeared on the cover of their October issue. She's been a bit of a fitness freak so she was a natural (no pun intended) choice to be one of the original members of Playboy's Xtreme Team, participating in several "extreme" race events. The biggest event for the team was the Eco Challenge Borneo in August of 2000. Jenny's face - albeit crying as she struggled to climb a cavern wall - was featured in some of the advertising for the television coverage of the Borneo race.

Jennifer started her own web site (www.JenniferLavoie.com) in 1998. Since then fans have been able to interact with her at weekly chats - and view new photo galleries and videos created exclusively for members of her online fan club.

Besides her popular web site Jenny has started and operated several other businesses, including a company that made handbags and another that specializes in plant hangers. Yep, plant hangers.

Jennifer Lavoie Who was Jennifer Lavoie aka Jennifer Lavoie life in Who is / biography L .