What is flavin jennifer definition
Real name: Jennifer Flavin. Biography of Jennifer Flavin & facts: Jennifer Flavin is a former model.


Jennifer Flavin aka Jennifer biography

Name: Jennifer
Surname: Flavin
Jennifer Flavin birth name: Jennifer Flavin
Jennifer Flavin birthday: 1968-08-14
Jennifer Flavin home town: ?.
Jennifer Flavin assets:
Jennifer Flavin vices:
Jennifer Flavin height: cm
Jennifer Flavin job: former model, businesswoman.
Jennifer Flavin hobbies
Jennifer Flavin ethnicityWhite
Jennifer Flavin breast size
Jennifer Flavin waist size
Jennifer Flavin hips size
Jennifer Flavin motto
Real biography: Jennifer Flavin is a former model and the current wife of actor Sylvester Stallone. She is also the co-owner of Seriesse International, a skin care and wellness company that sells its products via independent consultants.

Jennifer Flavin Who was Jennifer Flavin aka Jennifer Flavin life in Who is / biography F .