What is bergman ingrid definition
Real name: Ingrid Bergman. Biography of Ingrid Bergman & facts.


Ingrid Bergman aka Ingrid biography

Name: Ingrid
Surname: Bergman
Ingrid Bergman birth name: Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman birthday:
Ingrid Bergman home town: Stockholm, Sweden.
Ingrid Bergman assets:
Ingrid Bergman vices:
Ingrid Bergman height: 176 cm
Ingrid Bergman job: actress.
Ingrid Bergman hobbies
Ingrid Bergman ethnicityWhite
Ingrid Bergman breast size34
Ingrid Bergman waist size24
Ingrid Bergman hips size34
Ingrid Bergman mottoI made so many films which were more important, but the only one people ever want to talk about is that one with Humphrey Bogart.

Ingrid Bergman Who was Ingrid Bergman aka Ingrid Bergman life in Who is / biography B .