What is mcfadden gates definition
Real name: Cheryl Gates McFadden. Biography of Gates McFadden & facts.


Cheryl Gates McFadden aka Gates biography

Name: Gates
Surname: McFadden
Gates McFadden birth name: Cheryl Gates McFadden
Gates McFadden birthday:
Gates McFadden home town: Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
Gates McFadden assets:
Gates McFadden vices:
Gates McFadden height: 173 cm
Gates McFadden job: Actress, Dancer.
Gates McFadden hobbies
Gates McFadden ethnicityWhite
Gates McFadden breast size30
Gates McFadden waist size23
Gates McFadden hips size33
Gates McFadden mottoI walked in and was told they had three parts, and I could play any part I wanted. 'Okay', I asked, `Which one is the funniest?' Beverly Crusher. I swear to god. Seriously! So I go, 'Okay, fine' and I look at the scene and it's a scene from The Naked Now and that's funny because she's kind of drunk and I thought, 'This is funny.' So, that's about the only funny scene in seven seasons!"

Gates McFadden Who was Cheryl Gates McFadden aka Gates McFadden life in Who is / biography M .