What is gail definition
Real name: Gail Kim. Biography of Gail Kim & facts.


Gail Kim aka Gail biography

Name: Gail
Surname: Kim
Gail Kim birth name: Gail Kim
Gail Kim birthday: 1976-02-20
Gail Kim home town: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Gail Kim assets:
Gail Kim vices:
Gail Kim height: 163 cm
Gail Kim job: TNA Knockout.
Gail Kim hobbies
Gail Kim ethnicityAsian
Gail Kim breast size34
Gail Kim waist size26
Gail Kim hips size35
Gail Kim mottoI've only had a few serious relationships, and they were great learning experiences. I learned a lot about love and life. (Laughs) That's why I'm single today.

Gail Kim Who was Gail Kim aka Gail Kim life in Who is / biography K .