What is alexander erika definition
Real name: Erika Alexander. Biography of Erika Alexander & facts: Alexander got her big break as.


Erika Alexander aka Erika biography

Name: Erika
Surname: Alexander
Erika Alexander birth name: Erika Alexander
Erika Alexander birthday: 1969-11-19
Erika Alexander home town: Philadelphia, PA.
Erika Alexander assets: face, voice, figure.
Erika Alexander vices:
Erika Alexander height: cm
Erika Alexander job: Actress.
Erika Alexander hobbies
Erika Alexander ethnicityBlack
Erika Alexander breast size
Erika Alexander waist size
Erika Alexander hips size
Erika Alexander motto
Real biography: Alexander got her big break as Pamela "Pam" Tucker on the critically-acclaimed NBC sitcom, The Cosby Show. She later starred alongside Whoopi Goldberg in the 1990 civil rights epic, The Long Walk Home. Perhaps her most memorable role was as acid-tongued attorney, Maxine 'Max' Shaw on the FOX sitcom, Living Single, a role she played for five years.

Erika Alexander Who was Erika Alexander aka Erika Alexander life in Who is / biography A .