What is anaya elena definition
Real name: Elena Anaya. Biography of Elena Anaya & facts: Elena was born the 17th July, 1975. She.


Elena Anaya aka Elena biography

Name: Elena
Surname: Anaya
Elena Anaya birth name: Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya birthday: 1975-07-18
Nickname: Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya home town: Palencia.
Elena Anaya assets:
Elena Anaya vices:
Elena Anaya height: 178 cm
Elena Anaya job: Actress.
Elena Anaya hobbies
Elena Anaya ethnicityWhite
Elena Anaya breast size34
Elena Anaya waist size26
Elena Anaya hips size33
Elena Anaya motto"Always, your work is the same: You have to tell a story, you have to make a character. It doesn't matter if there are thousands of dollars, millions behind it, or if there is nothing. "
Real biography:

Elena was born the 17th July, 1975. She was born in Palencia, Spain. Her acting career goes all back to 1995, but she first received international attention in 2001, then for her role in the sexually explicit drama "sex and Lucia", she also appeared in a Spanish talk show with host Pedro Almodovar. Her best-known film role is as Dracula's vampire bride, Aleera, in Van Helsing (From 2004). She is also featured in Justin Timberlake's "SexyBack" music video from 2006.

Elena Anaya Who was Elena Anaya aka Elena Anaya life in Who is / biography A .