What is kitt eartha definition
Real name: Eartha Mae Keith. Biography of Eartha Kitt & facts.


Eartha Mae Keith aka Eartha biography

Name: Eartha
Surname: Kitt
Eartha Kitt birth name: Eartha Mae Keith
Eartha Kitt birthday:
Eartha Kitt home town: North, South Carolina.
Eartha Kitt assets:
Eartha Kitt vices:
Eartha Kitt height: 163 cm
Eartha Kitt job: Actress, Singer.
Eartha Kitt hobbies
Eartha Kitt ethnicityMixed
Eartha Kitt breast size36
Eartha Kitt waist size23
Eartha Kitt hips size35
Eartha Kitt mottoI have a great need for affection from an audience. I don't know whether this is because I had such a tough life when I was a child.

Eartha Kitt Who was Eartha Mae Keith aka Eartha Kitt life in Who is / biography K .