What is dandridge dorothy definition
Real name: Dorothy Jean Dandridge. Biography of Dorothy Dandridge & facts: Dorothy Jean Dandridge.


Dorothy Jean Dandridge aka Dorothy biography

Name: Dorothy
Surname: Dandridge
Dorothy Dandridge birth name: Dorothy Jean Dandridge
Dorothy Dandridge birthday:
Nickname: Dottie Mae
Dorothy Dandridge home town: Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Dorothy Dandridge assets:
Dorothy Dandridge vices: Drugs
Dorothy Dandridge height: 166 cm
Dorothy Dandridge job: Actress (deceased).
Dorothy Dandridge hobbies
Dorothy Dandridge ethnicityBlack
Dorothy Dandridge breast size
Dorothy Dandridge waist size
Dorothy Dandridge hips size
Dorothy Dandridge motto
Real biography: Dorothy Jean Dandridge (November 9, 1922–September 8, 1965) was an American actress and popular singer. Dandridge was the first African American to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in 'Carmen Jones' (1954). Via the 1999 TV biopic 'Introducing Dorothy Dandridge', which won Halle Berry an Emmy for her portrayal of the star, Dandridge was introduced to a whole new generation of fans.

Dorothy Dandridge Who was Dorothy Jean Dandridge aka Dorothy Dandridge life in Who is / biography D .