What is winger debra definition
Real name: Mary Debra Winger. Biography of Debra Winger & facts.


Mary Debra Winger aka Debra biography

Name: Debra
Surname: Winger
Debra Winger birth name: Mary Debra Winger
Debra Winger birthday:
Debra Winger home town: Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Debra Winger assets:
Debra Winger vices:
Debra Winger height: 163 cm
Debra Winger job: Actress.
Debra Winger hobbies
Debra Winger ethnicityWhite
Debra Winger breast size34
Debra Winger waist size23
Debra Winger hips size34
Debra Winger mottoOn her early roles in commercials: I was the all-American face. You name it, honey - American Dairy Milk, Metropolitan Life insurance, McDonald's, Burger King. The Face That Didn't Matter - that's what I called my face.

Debra Winger Who was Mary Debra Winger aka Debra Winger life in Who is / biography W .