What is pablo cote definition
Real name: Maria Jose de Pablo. Biography of Cote de Pablo & facts: IntroductionCote de Pablo is.


Maria Jose de Pablo aka Cote biography

Name: Cote
Surname: de Pablo
Cote de Pablo birth name: Maria Jose de Pablo
Cote de Pablo birthday: 1979-11-12
Nickname: Cote
Cote de Pablo home town: Santiago, Chile & Miami, Florida.
Cote de Pablo assets: Degree from Carnegie Mellon.
Cote de Pablo vices: Never gets sad
Cote de Pablo height: 171 cm
Cote de Pablo job: Actress.
Cote de Pablo hobbiesHiking, writing, music, confusing, people, about, her, ethnicity.
Cote de Pablo ethnicityLatino
Cote de Pablo breast size30
Cote de Pablo waist size23
Cote de Pablo hips size33
Cote de Pablo mottoShalom, amigo.
Real biography: Introduction

Cote de Pablo is another actress whose love of the theatre was not enough to pay for a one-bedroom apartment in Red Hook. Her work has stuck to the stage and TV, without any breakthroughs to the big screen as of yet. She’s best know for her role on the CBS’s NCIS

Life Story

Although she sounds like she’s named after a beach in Spain and currently plays an Israeli Mossad agent, Cote de Pablo was born in Santiago Chile. She spent most of her childhood in Miami. Her first television role was hosting the 1994 show "Control", alongside Entertainment Tonight host Carlos Ponce, at the ripe age of 15.

After graduating from Carnegie Mellon with a degree in music, Cote went on to do a bunch of worthless public theater, then landing some small rolls on daytime soaps. Her breakout gig was as that of saucy, ethically confusing Mossad Agent (i.

e., Israeli CIA) Ziva David. Today she continues to do theater, now in bigger, probably more annoying Broadway productions.

Cote de Pablo Who was Maria Jose de Pablo aka Cote de Pablo life in Who is / biography D .