What is charms chelsea definition
Real name: unknown. Biography of Chelsea Charms & facts.


unknown aka Chelsea biography

Name: Chelsea
Surname: Charms
Chelsea Charms birth name: unknown
Chelsea Charms birthday: 1976-03-07
Chelsea Charms home town: Twin Cities, MN.
Chelsea Charms assets: 60"+ chest, 26 pounds each, 10, 000 ccs of fluid and sillystring.
Chelsea Charms vices: false measurements of 153XXX
Chelsea Charms height: 161 cm
Chelsea Charms job: Porn Star, Model.
Chelsea Charms hobbies
Chelsea Charms ethnicityWhite
Chelsea Charms breast size40
Chelsea Charms waist size23
Chelsea Charms hips size34
Chelsea Charms mottothe unofficial world's largest implanted breasts in history

Chelsea Charms Who was unknown aka Chelsea Charms life in Who is / biography C .