What is damore caroline definition
Real name: Caroline D'Amore. Biography of Caroline DAmore & facts: Caroline D'Amore is currently.


Caroline D'Amore aka Caroline biography

Name: Caroline
Surname: DAmore
Caroline DAmore birth name: Caroline D'Amore
Caroline DAmore birthday: 1984-06-09
Nickname: Carrie
Caroline DAmore home town: Los Angeles, CA.
Caroline DAmore assets: Mysterious and sexy.
Caroline DAmore vices: Pizza
Caroline DAmore height: 163 cm
Caroline DAmore job: Model, Actress.
Caroline DAmore hobbiesTraveling, water, sports.
Caroline DAmore ethnicity
Caroline DAmore breast size30
Caroline DAmore waist size23
Caroline DAmore hips size33
Caroline DAmore mottoThe one destination that I still need a stamp for in my passport is Tanzania. I really want to go on a safari and see all the zebras and monkeys
Real biography: Caroline D'Amore is currently making the switch from fashion model to movie star.

Life Story

In five years, everyone will know the name Carlone D'Armore, if they don't know it already. The young California native has been called the new "It" girl of Hollywood, appearing on magazine covers such as Teen Vogue, Cosmo Girl, Seventeen, Flaunt and Nylon. Paper magazine featured D'Amore in their beautiful people issue, calling her, "The cutest girl in L.A."

Her parents, who are the founders of D'Amore Pizza Connection, encrouaged Caroline to become a model. She moved away from her folks at the age of 17 to live in New York, where she quickly found modeling work. She is also expanding her career to acting, and has already starred in the film Daydreamer and Peace, Love and Bikinis in 2005.

Her next role will be in the mafia comedy Pizza with Bullets. She was also a guest on Amy Weber's show In the Mix.

Caroline DAmore Who was Caroline D'Amore aka Caroline DAmore life in Who is / biography D .