What is vorderman carol definition
Real name: Carol Jean Vorderman. Biography of Carol Vorderman & facts.


Carol Jean Vorderman aka Carol biography

Name: Carol
Surname: Vorderman
Carol Vorderman birth name: Carol Jean Vorderman
Carol Vorderman birthday: 1960-12-24
Carol Vorderman home town: Bedford, UK.
Carol Vorderman assets: Her raw sexuality when doing mathematics, and she''s single.
Carol Vorderman vices:
Carol Vorderman height: 166 cm
Carol Vorderman job: TV Personality.
Carol Vorderman hobbies
Carol Vorderman ethnicity
Carol Vorderman breast size34
Carol Vorderman waist size25
Carol Vorderman hips size35
Carol Vorderman mottoMy bottom is so big it's got its own gravitational field.

Carol Vorderman Who was Carol Jean Vorderman aka Carol Vorderman life in Who is / biography V .