What is korel berguzar definition
Real name: Bergüzar Gökçe Korel. Biography of Berguzar Korel & facts: She was born in Istanbul.


Bergüzar Gökçe Korel aka Berguzar biography

Name: Berguzar
Surname: Korel
Berguzar Korel birth name: Bergüzar Gökçe Korel
Berguzar Korel birthday: 1982-09-02
Berguzar Korel home town: Istanbul.
Berguzar Korel assets:
Berguzar Korel vices:
Berguzar Korel height: 183 cm
Berguzar Korel job: Actress.
Berguzar Korel hobbiesVoleyball, ice, skating, dancing, playing, piano.
Berguzar Korel ethnicityWhite
Berguzar Korel breast size
Berguzar Korel waist size
Berguzar Korel hips size
Berguzar Korel motto
Real biography: She was born in Istanbul,studied in the Mimar Sinan University -Theather.

Her father was also well known actor during the 70's until his death.

Berguzar Korel Who was Bergüzar Gökçe Korel aka Berguzar Korel life in Who is / biography K .