What is asie definition
Real name: asra kristen. Biography of Asie & facts.


asra kristen aka biography

Surname: Asie
Asie birth name: asra kristen
Asie birthday: 1980-10-05
Nickname: as
Asie home town: chicago.
Asie assets: personality, amazing taste in music, lips.
Asie vices: rock and roll
Asie height: 171 cm
Asie job: life agent/actress babe.
Asie hobbiescooking, reading, kitties, and, puppies.
Asie ethnicity
Asie breast size36
Asie waist size26
Asie hips size35
Asie mottolive and die for rock and roll

Asie Who was asra kristen aka Asie life in Who is / biography A .