What is veda archana definition
Real name: Archana Veda. Biography of Archana Veda & facts: Veda aka Archana can easily be counted.


Archana Veda aka Archana biography

Name: Archana
Surname: Veda
Archana Veda birth name: Archana Veda
Archana Veda birthday:
Nickname: Acchu
Archana Veda home town: Hyderabad.
Archana Veda assets:
Archana Veda vices:
Archana Veda height: 163 cm
Archana Veda job: Actress.
Archana Veda hobbies
Archana Veda ethnicityAsian
Archana Veda breast size34
Archana Veda waist size24
Archana Veda hips size36
Archana Veda motto
Real biography:

Veda aka Archana can easily be counted in the list of hottest south Indian actresses. She started off with homely roles but found no success , and found out that bold roles came her way which she took & currenly is the sexiest star in tollywood. She says “People still think North Indian and Mumbai imports are the only ones suited for glamourous roles. I want to change that perception, atleast at personal level.”

Archana Veda Who was Archana Veda aka Archana Veda life in Who is / biography V .