What is beatriz barros definition
Real name: Ana Beatriz Barros. Biography of Ana Beatriz Barros & facts: Ana Beatriz Barros is one.


Ana Beatriz Barros aka Ana biography

Name: Ana
Surname: Beatriz Barros
Ana Beatriz Barros birth name: Ana Beatriz Barros
Ana Beatriz Barros birthday: 1982-05-29
Nickname: Ana-bear
Ana Beatriz Barros home town: Itabira, Minas Gerais.
Ana Beatriz Barros assets: long legs, striking eyes.
Ana Beatriz Barros vices: Artichokes
Ana Beatriz Barros height: 181 cm
Ana Beatriz Barros job: Fashion model.
Ana Beatriz Barros hobbiesbike, riding, reading, about, art, and, art, history.
Ana Beatriz Barros ethnicityWhite
Ana Beatriz Barros breast size36
Ana Beatriz Barros waist size25
Ana Beatriz Barros hips size34
Ana Beatriz Barros mottoI want to go back to Brazil, get married, have lots of kids, and just be a couch tomato
Real biography: Ana Beatriz Barros is one of the most successful supermodels on the planet. Men look at her and get boners, women look at her and join a gym.

Life Story

Born in Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, her family moved to Rio de Janeiro, where she spent her childhood. She was walking along the beach with her sister one day when a representative from the Elite Modeling Agency encouraged her to compete in their yearly competition, The Elite Model Look. He seemed different from other representatives in that his office wasn’t in a van so she took the offer, won the contest and has been modeling ever since.


She has worked for Victoria’s Secret and Guess? and has appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition for 6 consecutive years. She is considered to be a part of the Brazilian supermodel boom that includes Gisele Bundchen, Adriana Lima, Michelle Alves, and her best friend Alessandra Ambrosio. If you’ve ever seen a billboard or a magazine you’ve probably seen them.

Ana Beatriz Barros is #9 in the list of 25 sexiest models in the world.

Ana Beatriz Barros Who was Ana Beatriz Barros aka Ana Beatriz Barros life in Who is / biography B .