What is glick alex definition
Real name: Alexis Glick. Biography of Alexis Glick & facts.


Alexis Glick aka Alexis biography

Name: Alexis
Surname: Glick
Alexis Glick birth name: Alexis Glick
Alexis Glick birthday: 1972-08-07
Alexis Glick home town: New York, New York.
Alexis Glick assets: Super smart & very busty (rare combination).
Alexis Glick vices:
Alexis Glick height: 171 cm
Alexis Glick job: Journalist / Anchor.
Alexis Glick hobbiesBeing, a, mother.
Alexis Glick ethnicity
Alexis Glick breast size36
Alexis Glick waist size25
Alexis Glick hips size34
Alexis Glick mottoIt's great to be part of the best team in morning TV.

Alexis Glick Who was Alexis Glick aka Alexis Glick life in Who is / biography G .