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Real name: Alexis Amore. Biography of Alexis Amore & facts.


Alexis Amore aka Alexis biography

Name: Alexis
Surname: Amore
Alexis Amore birth name: Alexis Amore
Alexis Amore birthday: 1978-12-29
Nickname: Alexis Amour,Alexis Lamore
Alexis Amore home town: Lima, Peru.
Alexis Amore assets: big rack.
Alexis Amore vices:
Alexis Amore height: 158 cm
Alexis Amore job: Peruvian American pornographic actress, exotic dancer and model..
Alexis Amore hobbiesTattoos, piercings.
Alexis Amore ethnicityLatino
Alexis Amore breast size36
Alexis Amore waist size22
Alexis Amore hips size34
Alexis Amore motto

Alexis Amore Who was Alexis Amore aka Alexis Amore life in Who is / biography A .