What MAGNETIC RESONANCE ELASTOGRAPHY (MRE) means: A special MRI technique to capture snapshots of shear waves that move through the tissue and create “elastograms” or images that show tissue stiffness. MRE is used to non-invasively detect hardening of the liver caused by chronic liver disease. MRE also has the potential to diagnose diseases in other parts of the body.
- Definition Molecular Imaging:
- Dictionary involves the visualization of molecular processes and cellular functions in living organisms. With the inclusion of a biomarker, which interacts chemically with tissues and structures of interest magnetic resonance elastography (mre) definition.
- Definition Mammography:
- Dictionary An X-ray imaging method used to image the breast for the early detection of cancer and other breast diseases. It is used as both a diagnostic and screening tool magnetic resonance elastography (mre) explain.
- Definition Minimally Invasive Surgery:
- Dictionary procedure typically utilizing one or more small incisions through which laparoscopic surgical tools are inserted and manipulated by a surgeon. Minimally invasive surgery can reduce damage to magnetic resonance elastography (mre) what is.
- Definition Mesenchymal Stem Cells:
- Dictionary A term used to define non-blood adult stem cells from a variety of tissues. However, it is not clear whether mesenchymal stem cells from different tissues are the same magnetic resonance elastography (mre) meaning.