What is biosensors definition
Definition of Biosensors: meaning such as DNA, enzymes and antibodies, to detect specific.


Biosensors definition

What BIOSENSORS means: A device that uses biological material, such as DNA, enzymes and antibodies, to detect specific biological, chemical, or physical processes and then transmits or reports this data.

Definition Biocompatibility:
Dictionary biomaterial interacts in the body with the surrounding cells, tissues and other factors. A biomaterial is considered to have good biocompatibility if it does not generate a vigorous immune response biosensors definition.
Definition Biomaterial:
Dictionary or construct that interacts with biological systems. Biomaterials can be derived from nature or synthesized in the laboratory using metallic components, polymers , ceramics, or composite materials biosensors explain.
Definition Brain-Computer Interface:
Dictionary the brain’s electrical signals to allow individuals with limited mobility to learn to use their thoughts to move a computer cursor or other devices like a robotic arm or a wheelchair biosensors what is.
Definition Brachytherapy:
Dictionary therapy in which one or more small radioactive sources is placed in or adjacent to an area requiring treatment. The dose rate and longevity of the radiation source is chosen to reflect the treatment biosensors meaning.
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Meaning of Biosensors define:

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Definition BIOSENSORS how to

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Definition of Biosensors term.

Explain Biosensors what is.