What is angiography definition
Definition of Angiography: meaning used to see how blood flows through the blood vessels and organs.


Angiography definition

What ANGIOGRAPHY means: A diagnostic X-ray imaging procedure used to see how blood flows through the blood vessels and organs of the body. This is done by injecting special dyes, known as contrast agents, into the blood vessel and using x-ray techniques such as fluoroscopy to monitor blood flow. Examples include coronary angiography (heart), cerebral angiography (brain), and peripheral angiography (hands, arms, feet and legs).

Definition Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging:
Dictionary technique that shoots short pulses of ultrasound at targeted tissues and then monitors the tissue response in the form of shear waves that can be measured, and displayed as elastography images. These angiography definition.
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Meaning of Angiography define:

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Definition ANGIOGRAPHY how to

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Definition of Angiography term.

Explain Angiography what is.