What is ward susan definition
Real name: Michelle Susan Ward. Biography of Susan Ward & facts: IntroductionIf Susan Ward wasn't.


Michelle Susan Ward aka Susan biography

Name: Susan
Surname: Ward
Susan Ward birth name: Michelle Susan Ward
Susan Ward birthday: 1976-04-15
Nickname: Susie
Susan Ward home town: Monroe, Louisiana.
Susan Ward assets: pretty eyes, perky breasts.
Susan Ward vices: see quote
Susan Ward height: 161 cm
Susan Ward job: Actress, Model.
Susan Ward hobbiesloves, animals.
Susan Ward ethnicityWhite
Susan Ward breast size36
Susan Ward waist size23
Susan Ward hips size33
Susan Ward mottoI grew up watching NASCAR and all that. Instead of going to church on Sunday, my dad would get a 12-pack of Busch beer, because it was the official NASCAR beer, and we'd watch NASCAR
Real biography: Introduction

If Susan Ward wasn't so hot she'd be a veterinarian or maybe atleast a ranch hand.

Life Story

Born in Monroe, Louisiana, she wanted to be a veterinarian when she was a little girl, then, when she was 13 she began modeling and left school. They don't let people with 8th grade educations operate on dogs anymore so she moved to New York and after a few years of modeling decided to become an actress.


She was on the short lived Aaron Spelling show, "Malibu Shores" (Keri Russell, Tia Texada) then teamed up with Spelling again on the completely different, "Sunset Beach" (Sarah Buxton). She made her theatrical film debut in The In Crowd and had a supporting role in Shallow Hal. She returned to television on the Don Johnson show "Just Legal" which lasted 8 episodes.

Susan Ward Who was Michelle Susan Ward aka Susan Ward life in Who is / biography W .