What is sideropoulos susan definition
Real name: Susan Sideropoulos. Biography of Susan Sideropoulos & facts: German superstar Susan.


Susan Sideropoulos aka Susan biography

Name: Susan
Surname: Sideropoulos
Susan Sideropoulos birth name: Susan Sideropoulos
Susan Sideropoulos birthday: 1980-10-14
Nickname: Suzie
Susan Sideropoulos home town: Hamburg, Germany.
Susan Sideropoulos assets: Funny and talented German beauty.
Susan Sideropoulos vices: Pretzels
Susan Sideropoulos height: 158 cm
Susan Sideropoulos job: Actress, Singer, Model.
Susan Sideropoulos hobbiesWatching, TV.
Susan Sideropoulos ethnicityWhite
Susan Sideropoulos breast size34
Susan Sideropoulos waist size24
Susan Sideropoulos hips size35
Susan Sideropoulos mottoEveryday I laugh. It's important.
Real biography: German superstar Susan Sideropoulos is noteworthy not just because she's hot, but her name contains every single vowel! Take that Uma Thurman.

Life Story

German actress Susan Sideropoulos is enough reason to pack your bags and move to Europe. Not only is she stunningly beaitful, but she is also funny and talented. She studied Drama in Hamburg at the Stage School of Dance and Drama. After appearing in several programs on German TV, her popularity soon skyrocketed in the country. In 2006, she appeared in the hit German show Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten, playing the role of Verena Kock for eleven episodes. This role, along with her guest stints on German MTV, helped win Sideropoulos a German Kid's Choice Award in October of 2007.

She also appeared in the game show Let's Dance and along with partner , took home the first place trophy.

In 2005, she married her childhood sweetheart Jakob Shtizberg.

Susan Sideropoulos Who was Susan Sideropoulos aka Susan Sideropoulos life in Who is / biography S .