What is bell stacey definition
Real name: Stacey Bell. Biography of Stacey Bell & facts: Stacey Bell is co-anchor of Cleveland.


Stacey Bell aka Stacey biography

Name: Stacey
Surname: Bell
Stacey Bell birth name: Stacey Bell
Stacey Bell birthday:
Stacey Bell home town: Unknown.
Stacey Bell assets:
Stacey Bell vices:
Stacey Bell height: cm
Stacey Bell job: Newsbabe.
Stacey Bell hobbies
Stacey Bell ethnicityBlack
Stacey Bell breast size
Stacey Bell waist size
Stacey Bell hips size
Stacey Bell motto
Real biography: Stacey Bell is co-anchor of Cleveland, Ohio's Fox 8 News at Five and Ten, as of September 1, 2008.

Stacey joined WJW Fox 8 in 1998 as a reporter for Fox 8 News in The Morning. In 2000, she was promoted to co-anchor of Fox 8 News at Five, and in 2005, she was named co-anchor of Fox 8 News at Ten, along with Bill Martin.

Stacey has received two Emmys for her work on Fox 8’s public service program “Neighborhood.” In 2003, The Ohio Broadcasters Hall of Fame named her “Personality of the Year.” Kaleidoscope Magazine has also inducted her into its Forty/Forty Club, which recognizes Clevelanders under the age of 40 who are making a difference.

Prior to joining WJW in 1998, Stacey was a news anchor for KSLA-TV in Shreveport, La. She also served as a news reporter for KTBS-TV in Shreveport from 1994-96 and was a news anchor for KTAL-TV in Texarkana, Texas, from 1992-94.

Stacey holds a bachelor's degree in mass communications from the University of Central Arkansas.

Born on Oct. 5, Stacey enjoys reading, exercising, traveling and music. She also recently joined with Cleveland Scholarship Foundation to help raise scholarship money for area students to pay for college expenses.

Stacey Bell Who was Stacey Bell aka Stacey Bell life in Who is / biography B .