What is anthony sally definition
Real name: Sally Anthony. Biography of Sally Anthony & facts: Anthony grew up in Indianapolis.


Sally Anthony aka Sally biography

Name: Sally
Surname: Anthony
Sally Anthony birth name: Sally Anthony
Sally Anthony birthday:
Sally Anthony home town: ?.
Sally Anthony assets:
Sally Anthony vices:
Sally Anthony height: cm
Sally Anthony job: Musician.
Sally Anthony hobbies
Sally Anthony ethnicity
Sally Anthony breast size
Sally Anthony waist size
Sally Anthony hips size
Sally Anthony mottoHave you changed or are you the same?
Real biography: Anthony grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana, and self-released her first EP in 1998. Two more EPs followed, and Anthony, who had built a strong fan base in Indiana, was offered the opportunity to tour with acts such as Natalie Merchant, Chris Isaak, Barenaked Ladies, James Taylor, Tom Petty, and Enrique Iglesias. While preparing her debut LP, Vent, she became part-owner of the semi-pro basketball team Nashville Shock in 2004. In January 2005, after attempting to fire the team's coach in the middle of a game, she resigned as CEO and had to release the album independently. Nevertheless, two singles, "Vent" and "C'mon C'mon", hit the Radio & Records charts and the album sold over 175,000 copies. Continuing to build a fan base on the internet with sites such as MySpace, Anthony signed with EMI and released her second album, Goodbye, in October of 2007.
The album has peaked at #9 on the Billboard Heatseekers chart

Sally Anthony Who was Sally Anthony aka Sally Anthony life in Who is / biography A .