What is blonsky nikki definition
Real name: Nicole Blonsky. Biography of Nikki Blonsky & facts.


Nicole Blonsky aka Nikki biography

Name: Nikki
Surname: Blonsky
Nikki Blonsky birth name: Nicole Blonsky
Nikki Blonsky birthday: 1988-11-09
Nikki Blonsky home town: Great Neck, New York.
Nikki Blonsky assets: Short, sweet, and therefore cute.
Nikki Blonsky vices: Pudgy(but not in a grotesque way)
Nikki Blonsky height: 148 cm
Nikki Blonsky job: Actress.
Nikki Blonsky hobbies
Nikki Blonsky ethnicityWhite
Nikki Blonsky breast size
Nikki Blonsky waist size
Nikki Blonsky hips size
Nikki Blonsky motto

Nikki Blonsky Who was Nicole Blonsky aka Nikki Blonsky life in Who is / biography B .