What is bernard michelle definition
Real name: Unknown. Biography of Michelle Bernard & facts: Michelle D. Bernard is the President and.


Unknown aka Michelle biography

Name: Michelle
Surname: Bernard
Michelle Bernard birth name: Unknown
Michelle Bernard birthday:
Michelle Bernard home town: Washington DC.
Michelle Bernard assets:
Michelle Bernard vices:
Michelle Bernard height: cm
Michelle Bernard job: Pundit, lawyer.
Michelle Bernard hobbies
Michelle Bernard ethnicity
Michelle Bernard breast size
Michelle Bernard waist size
Michelle Bernard hips size
Michelle Bernard motto
Real biography:

Michelle D. Bernard is the President and CEO of the Independent Women's Forum. Media appearances include MSNBC, ABC News Now, ABC Radio, America's Black Forum, BBC Radio, Black Americas Web. Bernard is a regular panelist with Hardball with Chris Matthews and also with The McLaughlin Group and a Sunday columnist with The Examiner.

An attorney by training, Bernard concentrates on domestic and foreign policy matters. As a political and legal analyst, Bernard has spoken on topics as varied as the political participation and voting trends of African Americans and women, education reform and school choice, energy policy and security, foreign policy and national security issues, the war in Iraq, and advancing democracy, economic liberty, and the human rights of women and ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East. Ms. Bernard has been featured in several publications, including Fast Company magazine, The Legal Times, The New York Daily News, The Washington Business Journal, The Washington City Paper, The Washington Lawyer, The Washington Post, The Washington Post Sunday Magazine, and The Washington Times. In July 2008, Newsmax magazine named Bernard as one of three "Fast Trackers" on its list of the nation's top opinion leaders.

Michelle Bernard Who was Unknown aka Michelle Bernard life in Who is / biography B .