What is costello marta definition
Real name: Marta Costello. Biography of Marta Costello & facts: BioMarta Costello is a sexy spunky.


Marta Costello aka Marta biography

Name: Marta
Surname: Costello
Marta Costello birth name: Marta Costello
Marta Costello birthday: 1980-09-01
Marta Costello home town: Syracuse, NY.
Marta Costello assets:
Marta Costello vices:
Marta Costello height: 158 cm
Marta Costello job: Host/Producer.
Marta Costello hobbies
Marta Costello ethnicityWhite
Marta Costello breast size30
Marta Costello waist size20
Marta Costello hips size33
Marta Costello mottoHello, Welcome to the gnooze, the g is silent.
Real biography: Bio

Marta Costello is a sexy spunky and funny native to northern New York. She graduated from the University Of Kansas in 2001 with a B.S. in Journalism & B.A. in Psychology. She now resides in California.


Marta may be best known (so far) for her self creating roll as a sexy news anchor from the website gnooze.com. Her constant changing of clothing, her incredible expressions and her take on the news separates Gnooze from other comedic approaches to the news.


Her exact birthdate and measurements have yet to be defined.

Marta Costello Who was Marta Costello aka Marta Costello life in Who is / biography C .