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Real name: Elizabeth Cho. Biography of Liz Cho & facts: IntroductionLiz Cho is currently the co.


Elizabeth Cho aka Liz biography

Name: Liz
Surname: Cho
Liz Cho birth name: Elizabeth Cho
Liz Cho birthday: 1971-12-19
Nickname: Cho 'Nuff
Liz Cho home town: Concord, Massachusetts.
Liz Cho assets: Eyes that pierce TelePrompters.
Liz Cho vices: Incessant need to be objective
Liz Cho height: 171 cm
Liz Cho job: News Anchor.
Liz Cho hobbiesMaking, news, herself.
Liz Cho ethnicity
Liz Cho breast size34
Liz Cho waist size26
Liz Cho hips size35
Liz Cho mottoWe'll have more on those stories in just a moment...
Real biography: Introduction

Liz Cho is currently the co-anchor of WABC-New York's "Eyewitness News" during Weeknight presentations at 6pm & 11pm. Whether good news or bad news, it all looks and sounds a lot more attractive when delivered by Liz.

Cho Yo' Information

Cho won her current position of co-anchor on WABC in July of 2003.

During her tenure, she has anchored the station's coverage of every major local news event affecting the tri-state area, including the 2004 Democratic National Convention, the Republican National Convention held in New York City, as well as the 2005 Transit strike. Interestingly, she traveled to Washington D.C. in June 2004 to cover President Ronald Reagan's funeral.

We all know and love her from WABC, but she worked her way up through a bevy of respectable news gigs. For example, she served as a New York based anchor of ABC's overnight show "World News Now". During that time she was also a correspondent for the network covering dozens of important new stories for "World News Tonight", "Nightline", and "Good Morning America". She also helped anchor GMA's coverage during the first few weeks for the Iraq war.

Before the Big Apple was the Windy City. Liz was a Chicago-based correspondent for ABC. She traveled the country covering the gamut of national stories, including President Clinton's impeachment hearings, the Columbine high school shooting, and the devastating tornados in Oklahoma in 1997.

Way back when, Liz was a reporter in Miami, Florida at WPLG-TV. She began her career in journalism behind the scenes as an assignment editor at New England Cable News in Newton, Massachusetts, where people all talk like the cast of Cheers.

Liz Cho Who was Elizabeth Cho aka Liz Cho life in Who is / biography C .