What is shaw lindsey definition
Real name: Lindsey Marie Shaw. Biography of Lindsey Shaw & facts: IntroductionIf you don’t know who.


Lindsey Marie Shaw aka Lindsey biography

Name: Lindsey
Surname: Shaw
Lindsey Shaw birth name: Lindsey Marie Shaw
Lindsey Shaw birthday: 1989-05-10
Nickname: Lola
Lindsey Shaw home town: Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lindsey Shaw assets: Funny.
Lindsey Shaw vices: University of Nebraska Cornhuskers
Lindsey Shaw height: 171 cm
Lindsey Shaw job: Actress, Comedienne.
Lindsey Shaw hobbiesvolleyball.
Lindsey Shaw ethnicity
Lindsey Shaw breast size30
Lindsey Shaw waist size23
Lindsey Shaw hips size33
Lindsey Shaw mottoBeing able to reach out and entertain people is so cool
Real biography: Introduction

If you don’t know who Lindsey Shaw is you’re either older than 12 or have never been to Nebraska. Either way, you’re missing out.

Life Story

After years of languishing away on the Nebraska circuit, she and her mother moved to California so she could further her acting career. It wasn’t long before she was cast in the Nickelodeon sitcom "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide" where she played Jennifer "Moze" Mosely, the best friend and next-door neighbor of title character Ned Bigby. She can currently be seen playing “Claire Tolchuk” on the CW series “Aliens in America.”

Lindsey Shaw Who was Lindsey Marie Shaw aka Lindsey Shaw life in Who is / biography S .