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Real name: Lee Young Ae. Biography of Lee Young Ae & facts.


Lee Young Ae aka Lee biography

Name: Lee
Surname: Young Ae
Lee Young Ae birth name: Lee Young Ae
Lee Young Ae birthday: 1971-01-31
Nickname: Like oxygen woman
Lee Young Ae home town: Seoul, south Korea.
Lee Young Ae assets: brown colored eye, chin, sexy voice...and so on.
Lee Young Ae vices:
Lee Young Ae height: 166 cm
Lee Young Ae job: Actress and CFmodel.
Lee Young Ae hobbiesSwimming, horse, riding, playing, piano...and, many, more.
Lee Young Ae ethnicityAsian
Lee Young Ae breast size34
Lee Young Ae waist size28
Lee Young Ae hips size34
Lee Young Ae motto1 more time, please !

Lee Young Ae Who was Lee Young Ae aka Lee Young Ae life in Who is / biography Y .