What is banks elizabeth definition
Real name: Elizabeth Maresal Mitchell. Biography of Elizabeth Banks & facts: Born in western.


Elizabeth Maresal Mitchell aka Elizabeth biography

Name: Elizabeth
Surname: Banks
Elizabeth Banks birth name: Elizabeth Maresal Mitchell
Elizabeth Banks birthday: 1974-02-10
Nickname: Beth
Elizabeth Banks home town: Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
Elizabeth Banks assets: intelligence.
Elizabeth Banks vices: Matzoh Ball Soup
Elizabeth Banks height: 166 cm
Elizabeth Banks job: Actress.
Elizabeth Banks hobbiesFantasy, Football.
Elizabeth Banks ethnicityWhite
Elizabeth Banks breast size30
Elizabeth Banks waist size23
Elizabeth Banks hips size33
Elizabeth Banks mottoWhen I was in college I was accused of being a goody two-shoes. But every goody two-shoes has a bad side.”
Real biography: Born in western Massachusetts, near the New York border, she was raised by a Red Sox loving mother and Yankee loving father. She graduated with honors from the University of Pennsylvania then enrolled in the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco.She converted to Judiasm when she married college sweetheart, Max Handelman.


She moved to New York and worked in the theater, then seeking more screen work, moved to Los Angeles. She changed her name to Elizabeth Banks so not to be confused with Elizabeth Mitchell of Lost (Evangeline Lilly, Michelle Rodriguez) fame. She landed a role in Wet Hot American Summer (Marguerite Moreau, Janeane Garofalo ) and from there appeared in Spiderman (Kirsten Dunst), Catch Me if You Can (Jennifer Garner) and The 40 year Old Virgin (Kat Dennings).

She was also on 13 episodes of the TV show Scrubs.

Elizabeth Banks Who was Elizabeth Maresal Mitchell aka Elizabeth Banks life in Who is / biography B .