What is crawford caroline definition
Real name: Caroline Lacy. Biography of Caroline Crawford & facts: Caroline Crawford is a newly.


Caroline Lacy aka Caroline biography

Name: Caroline
Surname: Crawford
Caroline Crawford birth name: Caroline Lacy
Caroline Crawford birthday: 1975-11-21
Caroline Crawford home town: Huntsville, AL..
Caroline Crawford assets:
Caroline Crawford vices:
Caroline Crawford height: 158 cm
Caroline Crawford job: Musician.
Caroline Crawford hobbies
Caroline Crawford ethnicityWhite
Caroline Crawford breast size
Caroline Crawford waist size
Caroline Crawford hips size
Caroline Crawford mottoCaroline Crawford plays feirce piano.
Real biography: Caroline Crawford is a newly signed musician working on her first studio recorded album. After years of playing solo with just her piano or guitar she is now performing with a full band to match the level of intesity her latest songwriting requries. She is not shy about subject matter and writes from the heart about violence, abuse, anger, love, motherhood, and sensuality. Her intense, emotional, and often times very dark songwriting is a mixture of musical influences ranging from Led Zeppelin, PJ Harvey, and David Bowie to opera to sounds of the middle East, and lyrics from literary influences such as Anne Sexton, Erica Jong, and Emily Bronte.

Her first studio recorded album, "Delphian", is soon to be released.

Caroline Crawford Who was Caroline Lacy aka Caroline Crawford life in Who is / biography C .