What is sullivan camille definition
Real name: Camille Sullivan. Biography of Camille Sullivan & facts: Originally from Toronto.


Camille Sullivan aka Camille biography

Name: Camille
Surname: Sullivan
Camille Sullivan birth name: Camille Sullivan
Camille Sullivan birthday:
Camille Sullivan home town: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Camille Sullivan assets: Great Actress.
Camille Sullivan vices:
Camille Sullivan height: 171 cm
Camille Sullivan job: Actress.
Camille Sullivan hobbiesYoga, Kickboxing.
Camille Sullivan ethnicityWhite
Camille Sullivan breast size
Camille Sullivan waist size
Camille Sullivan hips size
Camille Sullivan motto
Real biography:

Originally from Toronto, Camille Sullivan moved to Vancouver to attend the acting program at the University of British Columbia and it has paid off. Camille has recently completed her second feature, Mothers & Daughters, with acclaimed Canadian writer/director Carl Bessai (Unnatural and Accidental, Severed, Lola) and won a Leo Award for her supporting role as Elise in his film Normal.

Camille was a regular on the critically acclaimed series Intelligence, from DaVinci's Inquest creator Chris Haddock. She had a fantastic time playing Francine Reardon, the volatile cocaine and alcohol addicted ex-wife of a west coast crime boss.

Camille's past projects include starring in the ensemble drama and feature film Mount Pleasant, written and directed by Ross Weber, and appearing in three seasons of DaVinci's Inquest as Suki the former vice cop turned robbery detective. She has also had leading roles in the made for television movies, Cries in the Dark (Lifetime), Dark Storm (Sci-Fi), and in the Gary Burns feature A Problem with Fear. Her other credits include recurring roles in Reunion and the mini-series Taken; and appearing in such series as First Wave, Dead Man's Gun, Dark Angel, Terminal City, Battlestar Galactica and Cold Squad.

Camille Sullivan Who was Camille Sullivan aka Camille Sullivan life in Who is / biography S .