What is philipps busy definition
Real name: Elizabeth Jean Phillips. Biography of Busy Philipps & facts: Busy Philipps is best known.


Elizabeth Jean Phillips aka Busy biography

Name: Busy
Surname: Philipps
Busy Philipps birth name: Elizabeth Jean Phillips
Busy Philipps birthday: 1979-06-25
Busy Philipps home town: Oak Park, IL.
Busy Philipps assets:
Busy Philipps vices:
Busy Philipps height: 168 cm
Busy Philipps job: Actress.
Busy Philipps hobbies
Busy Philipps ethnicityWhite
Busy Philipps breast size30
Busy Philipps waist size26
Busy Philipps hips size35
Busy Philipps motto
Real biography:

Busy Philipps is best known for her supporting roles on the TV series Freaks and Geeks and Dawson's Creek.

She appeared on the UPN sitcom Love, Inc., in a role originally intended for Shannen Doherty. The show lasted for one season (2005-2006) before being canceled. Since Fall 2006, she had a major recurring role as Hope on ER.

Her parents gave her the nickname Busy because, as an infant, she was always moving, and the nickname stuck; it even appears on her driver's license.

Busy Philipps Who was Elizabeth Jean Phillips aka Busy Philipps life in Who is / biography P .