What is allen aimee definition
Real name: Aimee Allen. Biography of Aimee Allen & facts: Aimee Allen is an American pop/rock.


Aimee Allen aka Aimee biography

Name: Aimee
Surname: Allen
Aimee Allen birth name: Aimee Allen
Aimee Allen birthday:
Aimee Allen home town: ?.
Aimee Allen assets:
Aimee Allen vices:
Aimee Allen height: cm
Aimee Allen job: Singer, Actress.
Aimee Allen hobbies
Aimee Allen ethnicity
Aimee Allen breast size32
Aimee Allen waist size26
Aimee Allen hips size36
Aimee Allen mottoRevolution!
Real biography: Aimee Allen is an American pop/rock singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. She is best known for her work on the dance song "Cooties" made for the soundtrack of the 2007 version of the movie Hairspray. She was previously signed to Elektra Records and her album I'd Start a Revolution If I Could Get Up In the Morning, featuring tracks produced by Mark Ronson and Don Gilmore, was never released due to a corporate merger. The label did, however, release her first single "Revolution" which was a featured rock video on MTV, appeared in the soundtrack of the film Storm, and was the theme for the WB Television Network series Birds of Prey. In 2007 her song "Stripper Friends" was re-worked and recorded by Kevin Michael featuring Lupe Fiasco as the hit single "We All Want the Same Thing," released by Downtown Records.
That same year the song was also covered by celebrity Tila Tequila for her MTV reality show A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila.

Aimee Allen Who was Aimee Allen aka Aimee Allen life in Who is / biography A .